J3 GROUP 3eplanet,
WICKiT Clean在香港製造。幫助支持香港社區-無論您購買什麼,他們都會免費將其發送給香港社區。適用於皮膚,手,臉,pe聲響物體或家居物品(例如口罩,電話,玩具,台式電腦,廚房爐灶,衛生間,鞋架,地板,床上用品等),在用餐前後對用餐區,座位和餐具表面進行消毒。殲滅殺毒和殺菌(COVID-19殺手)。可用補充瓶。
J3 GROUP 3eplanet,
WICKiT Clean is made in Hong Kong. Help support HK community - Whatever you buy, they send the same to HK community for FREE. Suitable for skin, hands, face, personal objects or household items (eg masks, Phones, toys, desktops, kitchen stoves, toilets, shoe racks, floors, bedding, etc...), disinfection of eating fronts , seats, and tableware surfaces, before and after eating. Annihilation anti-virus and sterilization (COVID- 19 Killer). Refill bottles available.