以下選自GOV.UK網站,Google translate後小修正:
- 提供有關風險管理的更多建議
- 闡明與公共交通工具上的面罩有關的年齡要求
- 確認已發布有關清潔的修訂指南
- 規定教育部將在夏季支持學校與員工,父母和學生進行溝通
- 提供有關有教育,保健和護理計劃的學生的更多信息
- 提供有關管理承包商和學校其他訪客的更多信息,包括免疫計劃
- 闡明測試和跟踪過程的一些細節
- 為具有臨床脆弱性和臨床極端脆弱性的員工提供其他建議
- 擴大空間和通風的使用
- 提供指向已記錄的有關心理健康和福祉的在線講座的鏈接,闡明MindEd的可用資源,並鏈接到e-Bug的資源以支持向孩子講授衛生措施
- 在考試結果當天提供建議

England: DfE guidance for full opening has just been released. Read more...
Guidance for full opening: schools
- provide more advice on risk management
- provide clarification on the age requirements related to face coverings on public transport
- confirm revised guidance on cleaning has now been published
- set out that the Department for Education will be supporting schools over the summer on communications with staff, parents and pupils
- give more information about pupils with education, health and care plans
- give more information about managing contractors and other visitors to schools, including immunisation programmes
- clarify some details of the test and trace process
- provide additional advice on staff who are clinically vulnerable and clinically extremely vulnerable
- expand on use of space and ventilation
- provide a link to the recorded webinar on mental health and wellbeing, clarify resources available from MindEd, anda link to e-Bug resources to support teaching children about hygiene measures
- provide advice on exam results day
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